I Can't Quit You, Coffee

I really intended to quit coffee but I guess intending to quit is not enough.  Coffee dates have been one of Eric's and my time with each other and talk or sit quietly and do each of our stuff.

Here's where we last went:

Starbucks 6750

We don't often go here. So it was quite a surprise to see how nice pretty the interiors were. Not your ordinary Starbucks. It's a 2-level coffee shop with lighting fixtures that stretch from the ceiling of the 2nd floor.

There's one irregularly shaped group table in the middle that adds a very pretty touch to the whole store.

Map of the Philippines
Starbucks of the Philippines

On the way up is a wall printed with the map of the Philippines made of letters making up places where, I presume, Starbucks coffee shops are. I don't often see Starbucks coffee shops with a Philippine touch to them.

If you're inspired by beautiful architecture and design, pay a visit.

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